Channing does...
She loves collecting pieces of paper, brochures, comment cards, receipts, credit card applications from stores, basically anything that she can use as directions, instructions, an invitation to a special party or a treasure map. I love that she does this. She will find something and carry it around for days. I've posted this picture before but notice what she has in her hand. It's a comment card from Kohls.
Prayer by Channing: Dear Heavenly Father, We're thankful for our day and our breakfast. Please bless it that it will be healthy for our bodies, well...not the Marshmellow Mateys because they have a lot of sugar in them.
Prayer by Channing: Dear Heavenly Father, We're grateful that we have a nice home to live in so we don't have to live, like outside or at the zoo.
Channing Wears...
Mail Lady Channing and her helper Chloe:
Girls In Boots:
Chloe Does...
Chloe went through a phase where she licked everything. I am so amazed she wasn't sick all the time. I wrote down a few of the things I witnessed her lick. Who knows what else there was that I never saw?
1. Ryan's IPOD
2. Kitchen floor (it wasn't even freshly mopped)
3. Channing's tap shoe
4. The carpet(I bet that was a sad surprise, a mouth full of fuzz)
5. The entire lenghth of my arm(she's quick, she got all the way up my arm before I could pull it away)
6. Ryan's hand
7. The hairy part of the hair brush
8. Channing's arm(what's with the arms?)
9. Bottom of her own shoe
10. Wal-Mart grocery cart(The worst of all in my book. What is it about Wal-mart carts that make me cringe to touch them and she LICKED it.)
11. Brand new computer monitor. Story: We bought a new computer and Ryan was taking it out of the box and checking to see that all the parts were there. He walked out of the room for a minute and came back to this:
Chloe says...
The girls got balloons at the store and were playing with them in my room. Chloe let hers go and it floated right into the fan. It made a horrible thumping sound as it was getting whipped around and tangled up. There was a small freakout by both girls and then I saw Chloe on her knees: Dear Henly-a-Father, please bless my balloon doesn't get windy in the fan.
Chloe wears...
Her favorite socks:
My goggle-eyed ballerina: